Latest Release – Book 2 in the genealogy series
By ML Condike

Releases on October 22, 20
Available in eBook, paperback, and hard bound formats for preorder on Amazon
An attorney hires genealogist RaeJean Hunter to locate the missing heir of a women she met in Central Park just over a year ago. The case, described as routine, has a catch. RaeJean must find the person within six months or else theforty-million-dollar estate goes to a university instead of family. The attorney assures her the will is bulletproof, making contentious probate unlikely. Plus, if she meets the short timeline, she is promised a huge bonus.
Confident in her methods, and tantalized by the potential income, she accepts the case.
While searching the deceased woman’s Upper East Side townhouse, RaeJean finds a doll whose crystalline eyes have mystical qualities. Plus, she finds books about a perfume heiress named Dorothy Arnold who vanished without a trace on December 12, 1910, and suspects somehow Dorothy connects to her case.
RaeJean travels to Idaho, meets a potential relative, and follows a lead to New Zealand where life-threatening events rock her world and challenge her ability to meet the deadline.
Who and why would someone threaten her life? RaeJean Hunter is about to find out.